You all have any respected people? I think sure will have.
Lim Goh Tongを知っていますか。Lim Goh Tongはわたしの尊敬するひとです。
You all know about Lim Goh Tong? He is the person that I respected.
He is a famous and important person in Malaysia.
マレーシアで三番にお金持ちの人でした。Lim Goh TongはGentingリゾートをつくりました。
He was once the 3rd richest man in Malaysia. He builded Genting Resort.
Genting resort is a popular place. Many people go there to play.
Foreigners also like to go there. Every year, there will be a lot of people go there for trip. This is because it is an interesting and fun place.
Therefore, Lim Goh Tong is a successful person. I respect him very much.
Lim Goh Tongはゆうきがあって頭がいいです。おかのうえにGenting リゾートをつくりましたから。難しいのことですね。
Lim Goh Tong is a brave and smart person. He built Gentng Resort in the hilltop. This is a difficult job.
Everyone believed that he will not be successful. But, he did it because he was brave and persistence.
He is China man. When he was 19 years old, he leaved China and worked in Malaysia.
His life was difficult that time. He faced a lot of challenges. But he did not fear.
As a result, his business is successful. Even though he was successful, he was still humble and kind. He did charity work.
During year 2007, Lim Goh Tong is 89 years old. He died that time. I feel very sad.
私はLim Goh Tongからたくさん学びました。私は問題が在るときも、かんたんにあきらめないことを学びました。
I learn a lot from him. I learned to not give up during the difficult times.
だから、Lim Goh Tongは私の尊敬する人です。私はLim Goh Tongにありがとうございますと言いたいです。
Thus, I’m very respect him. Thanks very much to him.